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glock 21 gen 4 problems

Glock 21 Gen 4 Problems - These include the Glock Model 20 10mm and Glock Model 21 .45 ACP pistols. Introduced in 1990, the Model 21 in .45 ACP competes with other handguns in police service. Americans prefer more punch in defensive guns, and my opinion is about Americans.

The gun was very well received. Good reliability and consistency are good selling points. Another important thing is that the magazine holds 13 of the .45 ACP cartridges, making the gun 14 rounds.

Glock 21 Gen 4 Problems

Glock 21 Gen 4 Problems

The disadvantage of the gun is its size. Female shooters with small hands and long fingers often do well with the Glock 21, although thorough training and familiarity with the type is necessary. Although the gun is large due to the polymer frame, it is very light.

Is G21 Really, \

When you consider the whole picture, the Glock offers great firepower in a light package. For example, the Original Colt Government Model 1911 in the same caliber weighs 39 ounces. The current service pistol, the 9mm Beretta 92, weighs 35 ounces and holds 15 rounds of ineffective 9mm ammunition.

Another advantage of the Glock is convenience. The safety design offers a single-shot level to learn as opposed to double-action rifles that require you to learn both double-action and single-fire. There is no manual safety.

Leverage in startups is not true safety; The safety is a drop meant to stop the wind from moving forward if you drop the gun. The Glock creates a safety-first action as you engage the slide, and the trigger continues under pressure. The player, or the shot, partially fell at that time. By continuing to press the trigger, the player presses back, breaks the spring tension and jumps forward, firing the gun. As the slide retracts, the action partially retracts, and you can fire the gun with a short press of the trigger.

The Glock's reliable performance has proven to be reliable in practice and offers a trigger that is easy to learn quickly. While there is no manual safety, the real safety is between the ears, and the Glock must be understood to prevent the finger from being able to fire until it is ready to fire.

Glock 17 Gen. 4 Bb Pistol

The Glock Model 21 has been proven to be as reliable as other Glock pistols, which means that safety is well maintained. Compared to other .45 ACP handguns, the Glock Model 21 offers less recoil. Despite its light weight, the polymer frame provides a sense of low recoil, and the high grip distributes recoil in the palm. The Glock Model 21 is among the smallest revolvers chambered in .45 ACP caliber.

Combined with a smaller axis than most, the result is a gun that is powerful and accurate in combat shooting. The Glock Model 21 is also one of the best Glock pistols. Some Glock models are not known for good accuracy, and the Model 21 often delivers excellent results.

Like all good handguns, the Glock Model 21 works better with one type of cartridge than another, but the accuracy level is often high for a service pistol. Reliability of the cycle is good with all types of ammunition. + P bullets are not recommended for several reasons.

Glock 21 Gen 4 Problems

Many will note that the gun shown is one of the first Glock Model 21s. The new versions have better grips and finger grooves. The new guns have replaceable parts and are more accurate than my original version.

Glock Gen4 Review

Also, the old Model 21 can still be used. I highly recommend looking for new releases; I've never seen a bad M21, and the new ones are even better.

When testing the Glock Model 21 used in this feature, I put it in a Don Hume service holster.

The Glock pistol shown has fired thousands of rounds during its lifetime. For the purposes of this review, I've broken it down to different service level bullets.

What? Do you have or use an original GLOCK 21? What about new? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Glock 26 Gen 4 Semi Auto Pistol

About the Author: Bob Campbell Bob Campbell's greatest attribute is an enduring love of firearms, writing, and creativity. He has a degree in Criminal Justice but is very private on issues that are important to his readers. Campbell regards unarmed intelligence as the first line of defense and firearms as a last resort. (He got it right — his uncle Jerry Campbell is in the Boxer Hall of Fame.)

Campbell has written more than 6,000 editorial and review columns and fourteen books for major publishers including Gun Digest, Skyhorse and Paladin Press. Campbell is a former peace officer and security specialist and has made hundreds of arrests and been injured in the line of duty more than once.

He wrote a college-level curriculum, worked as a senior missionary, and loved Joyce. He teaches his grandchildren not to be snowballs. At a time when many people are thinking about retirement, Bob is working 60 hours a week and waiting for the storm to hit him many years in the future. Recently, many people have asked why we cover the 9mm variant of Glocks/M&Ps and it is clear. ignore the other models, especially the 45. So here is a collection of random thoughts on the Glock 21. When choosing a gun for the job, it is very difficult not to enter into a serious debate. Without further ado, it is my belief that in rifle operations, using modern hollowpoint bullets, the gauge used is not important. Yes, you can split hairs, but apparently all gun weights are weak. So if we can accept that, it makes no sense to deviate from the 9mm. This caliber offers the following advantages: high capacity, reduced speed, and reduced training costs. Low depression is a great advantage even for American red blooded men who do not have the feeling of relapse since it allows for a longer period of training with less fatigue and most importantly, it reduces the possibility damage to joints and connective tissue in the work. job. strong shot. All things being equal, reduced recoil also allows many shooters to place better follow-up shots faster.

Glock 21 Gen 4 Problems

And it's for these reasons that we are 9mm centric when it comes to shooting and gun selection here at MSW. However, there are many reasons to look at other guns. The main one is the policy of the board. Most people have no choice and stick to whatever standard their employer approves. And if you are limited to 45 ACP, the Glock 21 is a good choice with one caveat.

Glock 21 Gen 4 45 Acp 46in 13rd Pistol Ug2150203

I am a big fan of the Glock 21; I find it to be one of the smoothest .45 service pistols I have ever fired. My friend Caleb Giddings of GunNuts.Net directed me to the Gen 4 Glock 21 tungsten recoil system sold by It's a drop in replacement for the Gen 4 spring assembly and makes an already smooth gun much easier to control. I found the gun tracks to be much smoother as I cycled through this setting and didn't experience any negative effects on reliability.

The 12 round magazine capacity provides a 50% increase in capacity over a single 1911, and the gun itself is maintenance free. Of course, the Glock trigger is heavier and harder to control but with practice I found I could shoot the gun better. I managed 3 inch groups in freestyle at 25 yards.

The gun can be fired multiple times. With a little training, I was able to perform well in the GSSF indoor game and the transition from the 9mm platform was obvious. Like its smaller siblings, the Glock 21 benefits from a few minor tweaks. First, and most important is a set of quality metal sights like the Performance 10-8. For whatever reason, the center of the slide sits a little tighter on the frame and is more difficult to compress than lower-profile guns. I'd like to replace it with a nice layout from TangoDown. And while I'm at it I also love their authentic magazine version.

The only weakness of the Glock 21 is the large frame size, which requires at least average hands to operate properly. The SF and Gen 4 models are slightly thinner than the Gen 3 variants but the difference is minimal. In this gun I prefer the Gen 4 variant without the stock. It offers a small grip circle and has a very active texture. Additionally, the dual recoil spring setup seems to soften the recoil of the standard Gen 3 setup.

Glock 19 Gen 3 Erratic Ejection, A/k/a Brass To Face. *fixed 5/20/2014

So there you have it. If you need to carry a 45 caliber pistol, and you don't have pygmy hands, the Glock 21 is a good choice. It is currently my favorite service pistol in 45 ACP.

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